August 2 - 9, 2025

The Summit County Fair is held annually during the first full week of August.  It is a traditional small-town county fair with cowboys and bucking broncos, a carnival midway, beauty queens, home canned goods, flowers, vegetables, and more.  Events are held throughout Summit County and home base is quiet, scenic Coalville, Utah.

PRCA Rodeo
Sponsorship Opportunities


·         Dealership Sponsor (1 Available)

o   $7,500

o   Sponsorship will include:

§  Sponsor vehicles showcased in the arena and throughout the fairgrounds for the duration of the PRCA Weekend

§  Dedicated Rodeo Flag with Summit County 6 Shooters performance

§  Banner hung in fairgrounds

§  Public address recognition as a sponsor of the rodeo

§  Sponsor logo listed in sponsor recognition page in rodeo program

§  10 Reserved Grandstand tickets for each performance

§  4 tickets to Friday and Saturday night Cowboy Hospitality Tent Dinner


·         Platinum Sponsor / Chute (6 Available)

o   $5,000

o   Sponsorship will include

§  Dedicated bucking chute with sponsor banner (sponsor provides)

§  Dedicated Rodeo Flag with Summit County 6 Shooters performance

§  Banner hung in fairgrounds

§  Public address recognition as a sponsor of the rodeo

§  Sponsor logo listed in sponsor recognition page in rodeo program

§  10 Reserved Grandstand tickets for each performance

§  4 tickets to Friday and Saturday night Cowboy Hospitality Tent Dinner


·         Gold / Arena Sponsor

o   $3,000

o   Sponsorship will include:

§  Banner hung in arena as well as in fairgrounds (sponsor provides 2)

§  Dedicated Rodeo Flag with Summit County 6 Shooters performance

§  Public address recognition as a sponsor of the rodeo

§  Sponsor logo listed in sponsor recognition page in rodeo program

§  6 Reserved Grandstand tickets for each performance


·         Silver / Arena Sponsor

o   $,2500

o   Sponsorship will include:

§  Your logo/information flashed with all replays/transitions

§  Dedicated Rodeo Flag with Summit County 6 Shooters performance


§  6 Reserved Grandstand tickets for each performance


  • Please Contact:
  • Tyler Orgill
  • Fair Manager
  • 435.336.3249
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.