August 2 - 9, 2025



Entry Deadline:  May 14, 2025 at 11:59 P.M.

Contest Date:  May 17, 2025 - Summit County Fairgrounds/ Ledges Event Center, Coalville, UT

9:30 a.m. - Check in and numbers 
10:00 a.m. - We will start with modeling, speech, and impromptu. 
Interviews will take place over lunch (lunch will be provided). Starting with number 1 and in numerical order.  We will take a half hour break to let contestants change into horsemanship outfits and warm horses up.
1:00 p.m. - 2024 Queen will set the horsemanship pattern.
3:00 p.m. - Coronation of the royalty. 

2025 Summit County Rodeo Queen Application!

About the Queen


The Summit County Rodeo Queen symbolizes the young women of our area who wish to further promote the sport of rodeo, and in so doing, promotes the great western way of life. She is also the ideal-type American and is the young woman who will represent rodeo as she travels the length and breadth of Summit County.

While spreading goodwill for Summit County, the Summit County Fair and Rodeo, Miss Summit County Rodeo Queen is garnering the richest experience of her life and laying the foundation for her future. The young woman that wants to be a leader in her community and further promote our western way of life is the girl we are looking for within our county. She is the person who loves horses, rodeo and all that they represent. She is a role model to exemplify to the youth of the community and what can be accomplished in this western environment.

Miss Summit County Rodeo Queen serves as an ambassador for Summit County and of rodeo to the general public, portraying excellence in sportsmanship, high moral and ethical character, and reflects careful and humane treatment of animals. She must understand the sport of rodeo and the people that enjoy rodeo as a professional sport. She is expected to act, speak, and dress according to the prestige the title deserves at all times during her reign.

CONTESTANT ELIGIBILITY: The following are the general guidelines for eligibility for the Summit County Rodeo Queen Contest:

  1. Each contestant must Utah Resident at least 15 years of age not more than 24 years of age as of January 1 of the current year.
  2. She shall never have been married. The winner of the Miss Summit County Rodeo Queen title shall also agree not to marry during the year of her reign. If she should marry, or for any reason not be able to fulfill her obligations, the title will be removed from her and passed on to the First Attendant in that year's contest.
  3. She shall waive liability. She shall never have been a previous Summit County Rodeo Queen.
  4. All contestants are required to abide by the contest rules and regulations with possible disqualifications for infraction of those rules.
  5. Should circumstances ever occur that a contestant is conducting herself in an improper manner, she will be disqualified from the competition.
  6. If the Summit County Rodeo Queen or attendants have ever been pregnant, is pregnant or becomes pregnant during their reign, they will forfeit their crown and all benefits and gifts received from the contest and title. 



The judges will judge on appearance, personality, and horsemanship. Judging will also occur in public speaking and photogenic ability. Each contestant will have the opportunity to be judged informally, in a formal interview, during luncheon, speeches, modeling, and horsemanship competition. Criteria within each major area of judging include the following:

HORSEMANSHIP DIVISION: HORSEMANSHIP APPEARANCE: Western attire of your choice. Sequins, leather, embellishments, rhinestones, embroidery, etc. are all welcomed. Only western-style jeans should be worn during the pageant. Chaps are not permitted during the contest. 


1. Run at speed to the far end of the arena past the end marker and do a left rollback—no hesitation. 

2. Run to the opposite end of the arena past the end marker and do a right rollback—no hesitation. 

3. Run past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Back up to center of the arena or at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate. 

4. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate. 

5. Complete four and one-quarter spins to the left so that horse is facing left wall or fence. Hesitate. 

6. Beginning on the left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena. 

7. Complete three circles to the right: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena. 

8. Begin a large circle to the left but do not close this circle. Run straight up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from wall or fence. Hesitate to demonstrate the completion of the pattern.





HORSEMANSHIP APPEARANCE: Western attire of your choice. Sequins, leather, embellishments, rhinestones, embroidery, etc. are all welcomed. Only western-style jeans should be worn during the pageant. Chaps are not permitted during the contest. 

INSIDE APPEARANCE:  Western dresses or western attire may be worn for the indoor portion of the competition. Skirts, blouses, jackets, dresses, vests and accessories such as belts, buckles, hats, and boots should all be a western style. A variety of sleeve lengths and collar styles are allowed. Sleeveless or revealing necklines are not permissible. Blouses should be a western, long-sleeved style. Revealing transparent blouses are not allowed.


Each contestant will be required to prepare and deliver a 1 minute and 30 second extemporaneous speech. The speech topic will be assigned.

  • Each contestant will be required to prepare and deliver a 1 1⁄2 minute speech on a drawn topic. Contestants will draw a topic and have ten minutes to prepare their speech. A penalty will be assessed if the contestant goes over 1 1⁄2 minutes. We are looking for creativity in developing the topic drawn and the presence during the delivery of the speech. Points allocated for the speech will be included in the total points.


Never during the contest will parents or others associated with the contestant be allowed to interfere with the judges or pageant officials. The Summit County Fair Rodeo Queen Committee welcomes and encourages family, relatives and friends to attend all events open to the public or as designated in the agenda. Your support and assistance during the contest are very important to your contestant. She needs encouragement and help during this time. We want people associated with the contestants to have a good time and enjoy the special activities planned throughout the contest.


The official score sheets of the judges will be sealed in envelopes and delivered to the auditor for tabulation. The sheets will not be made public for any reason. At no time will parents, contestants, or others be allowed to see the scoring or tabulation sheets.



1. A contestant must be at least a high school freshman within the current year, but not more than twenty-four years old, on the 1st day of January of the current year.

2. A contestant shall never have been married, never lived in circumstances imitating marriage, and never been pregnant

3. A contestant does not have to be a legal and permanent resident of Summit County, Utah.

4. A contestant, if selected as Queen or an attendant shall not use alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs or substances.

5. A contestant, if selected as Queen or an attendant, may not have been a previous Miss Summit County Rodeo Queen 

6. A contestant, and parent or guardian, must sign a waiver of liability for any injury suffered by the contestant as a result of, or while participating in, any Summit County Rodeo Queen activity.

7. A contestant must agree and acknowledge that decisions of contest judges in matters of horsemanship, personality, etc. and placement of Miss Summit County Rodeo Queen and Attendants is discretionary and final.

8. A contestant must agree and acknowledge that the Summit County Fair Board, by majority vote, may disqualify a contestant, a Queen, or an attendant for conduct unbecoming or inimical or merely embarrassing to Summit County or for failure to abide by or meet the foregoing contest requirements.

9. If chosen as Queen or Attendant you will be required to attend and reign over all of the following rodeos and other fair activities which will include the Summit County parade, Sheep Dog Trials, Concert, PRCA Rodeo, Derby, Little Buckaroo Rodeo, (both nights), livestock judging, livestock sale, Pet Fest, Miss Summit Co. Pageant, Horse show, etc., at the various events during the fair.

10. If chosen as Queen or Attendant you will be required to return attendant crowns and/or queen chaps on the final night of the PRCA Rodeo. 

11. In addition, if chosen as Queen or Attendant, you will be expected to attend various activities throughout Summit County and the State in an effort to promote the Summit County Fair.  Some of these activities include –the Oakley 4th of July Parade and one night at the Rodeo, Kamas Fiesta Days Parade and Rodeo,  Francis Frontier days Rodeo.  Attendance at all of these events is not mandatory for the entire royalty to attend (Queen and/or her Attendants), but at least one member from the Royalty must attend.   The Fair Committee understands that scheduling is sometimes difficult with other activities such as High School Rodeo events, etc. and participation at all events listed above may not be possible for each candidate.  It is expected that the Queen and/or Attendants work diligently to try to facilitate all events to insure that at least one person (or more if possible) of the royalty is in attendance to represent Summit County.  As part her duties as Queen, the Queen will contact each member of the Royalty to determine which events each member is available to attend and then outline a schedule for attendance.  The Queen will then supply this schedule to the Fair Administrator.

12. Failure to fulfill your obligation:

• If you fail or refuse to attend or complete the required obligations:

• As the Queen you will lose your title and be required to return all prizes. As an attendant you will be required to return all prizes and will not be eligible to try out for rodeo queen the following year (limited to one year suspension).


For Further Information Contact:

Bailee Sizemore email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & phone number is 435-901-1966