August 2 - 9, 2025



Summit County Little Buckaroo Princess Contest Schedule.

Contest Date: May 17, 2025

Summit County Fairgrounds/ Ledges Event Center, Coalville, UT

Entry Deadline: May 14 at 11:59 PM


9:30 a.m. - Check in and numbers 

10:00 a.m. -  Start with modeling, speech, and impromptu. 

Interviews will take place over lunch (lunch will be provided). Starting with number 1 and in numerical order.  We will take a half hour break to let contestants change into horsemanship outfits and warm horses up.

1:00 p.m.-  2024 queen will set the horsemanship pattern.

3:00 p.m. Coordination of the royalty. 


Click Here for 2025 Application!


·      The contest dress code is as follows:

o    Express yourself with a horsemanship outfit.

o    And then a second outfit for the interview/modeling/impromptu which can be a dress or jeans/boots/western shirt. 

·      Everyone must abide by the dress code. If there are any violations of the dress code there will be a 50% deduction of the entire score.

·         Contestants must prepare a 30 second to 1 minute speech on a topic of their choice.

 Contestants must be from the State of Utah. 

·         The personality and appearance judging will start after the numbers are selected. All times are approximate, however all contestants should be ready to compete when called on.

·         A contestant, if selected as Princess, 1st Attendant or 2nd Attendant, may not have been a previous Miss Summit County Little Buckaroo Rodeo Princess.

·         Judges decisions are final.

·         You must be between the ages of 8-14.

·         If chosen to represent the Summit County Little Miss Buckaroo as part of the royalty, you will be required to attend the following rodeos and other fair activities which will include the Summit County parade, Sheep Dog Trial, Concert, PRCA Rodeo, Derby, Little Buckaroo Rodeo, (both nights), livestock judging, livestock sale, Pet Fest, Miss Summit Co. Pageant, Horse show, etc., at the various events during the fair.

o    If you are selected in the royalty you must be available to represent the Summit County Little Miss Buckaroo by attending various activities throughout Summit County and the State in an effort to promote the Summit County Fair.  Some of these activities include –the Oakley 4th of July Parade and Kamas Fiesta Days Parade.  Attendance at all of these events is not mandatory for the entire royalty to attend (Princess and/or her Attendants), but at least one member from the Royalty must attend.   The Fair Committee understands that scheduling is sometimes difficult with other activities such as High School Rodeo events, etc. and participation at all events listed above may not be possible for each candidate.  It is expected that the Princess and/or Attendants work diligently to try to facilitate all events to insure that at least one person (or more if possible) of the royalty is in attendance to represent Summit County.  As part of her duties as Princess, the Princess will contact each member of the Royalty to determine which events each member is available to attend and then outline a schedule for attendance.  The Princess will then supply this schedule to the Fair Administrator.

·         Failure to fulfill your obligation:

o    If you fail or refuse to attend or complete the required obligations:

§  As the Princess you will lose your title and be required to return all prizes.

§  As 1st Attendant or 2nd Attendant you will lose your title and be required to return all prizes and will not be eligible to try out for the Little Buckaroo Royalty the following year (limited to one year suspension).

·         A comment sheet will be prepared by the judges for each girl. These will be available after the crowning of the royalty. (The scores will not be posted)

·         Contestants can do simple lead changes or flying. Whichever you think you can do best. (At the discretion of the judges flying may be awarded more points)

·         There is no obligation if you are selected as one of the royalty to have matching blouses made for parades, rodeos and other obligations. We request that if you are selected as one of the royalty that you have your own individual style of blouse to wear for grand entries (not matching blouses).

·         We would like everyone to have fun!

         Horsemanship Pattern

1. Beginning on the left lead, complete two circles to the left. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.

2. Complete two spins to the left. Hesitate

3. Beginning on the right lead complete tow circles to the right. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate

4. Complete two spins to the right. Hesitate

5. Beginning on the left lead, go around the end of the arena, run down the right side of the arena past center marker, stop and roll back right.

6. Continue around the end of the arena to run down the left side of the arena past the center marker. Stop. Back up.


Rider must dismount and drop the bridle to the designated judge.  





For Further Information Contact:

Bailee Sizemore email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and phone number is 435-901-1966